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“Top Worst Dealer Stories: Unveiling Giga Gears’ Coverage”

Dealers are scummy. While not all dealers do business the bad way, it’s a the business that seems to attract shady operators. Commission leads to greed, leads to carelessness, leads to ruthlessness, leads to a constant need to look for that next hit/sale.


Hyundai Makes History by Selling Cars on Amazon

Hyundai announced Thursday that it will be the first brand to sell cars on Amazon starting in 2024. This somewhat dystopian announcement is intended to bring ease to the car buying process, and will allow purchasers the option to receive delivery of their new car directly to their home, or pick it up from their local…


Car Dealers Hindering EV Purchases: The Battle for Gatekeeping | Giga Gears

As it turns out, car dealers seem to know even less than buyers do when it comes to electric vehicles, and they don’t really seem too keen on learning about them. The Washington Post spoke with a number of customers who said dealers tried to redirect them to gas cars or gave them unclear or downright incorrect answers


FTC Rule: Car Dealers Get Special Exception to Continue Ripping Off Customers

The Federal Trade Commission may be excluding car dealerships from its plans to ban junk fees if provisions in a reportedly controversial set of proposed rules targeting dealerships are finalized. According to Automotive News, the FTC’s plan would ban businesses from charging hidden and misleading fees and require…


Ohio Used Car Dealership Faces Lawsuit for Odometer Rollbacks | Giga Gears

Rolling back odometers on used cars and then selling them as if they’ve accrued far less mileage than they actually have is definitely illegal, but that hasn’t stopped some used car dealerships from doing it anyway. Over in Ohio, the Mega Group will be the fourth used-car dealership to come under scrutiny from state…