

Americans Sacrifice Dining Out and Travel for New Cars

Doesn’t it seem like everything costs too much? Wages have been stagnant longer than many of us have been alive, despite us all working more — and doing more while at work — than ever. Rents have been skyrocketing for fifty years, gas prices seem permanently inflated, and car payments are creeping ever upwards.


Favorite Cars from an Animated Series

Normally, we try to focus on cars that actually exist in the real world here on Jalopnik. But with the San Diego Comic-Con about to start and The Venture Bros movie coming out, we’ve been distracted by animated cars, and surely we aren’t the only ones who can appreciate a car that we’ll never be able to drive.


Watch Out for More Flood-Damaged Cars

While used car prices are still high, inventories are improving. Unfortunately, the last few years of extreme weather means thousands more flood damaged cars hit the market every year. With the recent flooding in New England, Consumer Reports says buyers should be prepared to be on the lookout for flood damaged…


Car Repair Costs Could Increase

Fixing your car often sucks. Sure, it’s fun to tinker around with carb tuning and spark plug gaps by choice, but the idea of wrenching suddenly gets a lot less fun when your daily breaks down and you’re stranded halfway to work. But, if the latest financial data is to be believed, car repairs are getting a whole lot…