

Tesla’s New Robot: Egg Rotation and Factory Worker Replacement

Tesla’s second-gen Optimus robot is the biggest news in tech since Mark Zuckerberg grew legs in the Metaverse. Elon Musk claims this robot will eventually account for the “majority of Tesla’s long-term value.” Considering where Tesla was with the robot at its AI day last year, Optimus has made big steps forward, as…


Top Cars for Hot Boxing When Weed Bomb Hits | Giga Gears

A law allowing Ohioans over 21 years old to purchase legal recreational marijuana went into effect last week, and some who oppose the measure are naturally predicting a Refeer Madness-type future for the Buckeye State. Legal and accepted are clearly two different things. Here, once again, cars come to the rescue.


Types of Cars: Giga Gears

Last weekend I was walking through Beverly Hills when I came across a trio of bright red cars parked in front of the Beverly Wilshire hotel. There was a constant crowd of people surrounding them, with civilians taking videos for TikTok and carspotters shooting photos with their DSLR to get Instagram likes. I didn’t…


Weekend QOTD Roundup 12/09/23 | Giga Gears

Here we present our weekly Jalopnik series that recaps the latest in QOTD. We’ve showcased our most read offerings as well as some you may have missed.


“Top Cool Cars: Giga Gears Unveils the Classics”

What makes a car cool? Is it tasteful graphics? A well-shaped headlight? A flawless engineering pedigree? Is it the lines of body or the magnificent machinery beneath it that make it cool?