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GR Corolla Bursts Into Flames – Inside Look | Giga Gears

After Koenigsegg ordered every Jesko owner off the road this week as a result of a fire in one of its cars, Toyota might be quaking in its boots as a GR Corolla has been filmed going up in smoke on the highway. Nobody was injured in the blaze, but a dashcam running through the disaster caught the exact moment the…


Top 3-Year-Old Cars Recommended by Consumer Reports

Compared to 40 or 50 years ago, new cars are so much more reliable, it’s not even a contest. Still, some cars are naturally going to be more reliable than others, and with the latest technologies often being pretty expensive to repair, you’re going to want something long lasting if you plan to keep your car for more…


Acura Dealership Accused of Damaging Integra Type S and Poor Customer Service | Giga Gears

Dealers are almost universally shitty. From car buying to service, only a dealership could suck on multiple fronts. Often dealers won’t take any responsibility for their horrible service and behavior, either. Take what one Acura Integra Type S owner is going through with his local dealership, for example.


Best Highway Cruiser Cars to Swap Your Volt For | Giga Gears

Nick’s wife is starting a new job that requires a lot of long-distance highway travel. She is looking for something a bit more comfortable than her 2012 Chevy Volt with some updated features. With a budget of up to $45,000 what car should she buy?