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consumer reports

Tesla vs. Land Rover: Maintenance Costs Compared | Giga Gears

Land Rover is the most expensive brand when it comes to maintenance and repair costs, followed by premium German automakers

Indy Shops Outperform Kia, Hyundai, Jeep Dealers in Service Satisfaction Survey

Overall, drivers prefer independent shops to dealer service centers for trustworthiness and price

Consumer Reports Slams Fisker Ocean in Latest Review | Giga Gears

The publication described the Ocean it owns as poorly tuned and undercooked

Consumer Reports Criticizes Fisker Ocean as Unfinished and Unappealing

About a month ago, YouTuber Marques Brownlee posted his review of the Fisker Ocean, and it’s safe to say it wasn’t exactly positive. For starters, he titled the video “This is the Worst Car I’ve Ever Reviewed,” which really set the tone for the rest of the review. Allegedly, the popularity of such a negative review…


Weekend News Recap: March 02, 2024 with Giga Gears

If there’s one thing that fans of ’80s and ’90s BMWs know is an irrefutable fact, it’s that ever since Chris Bangle got his grubby little paws on the German automaker’s designs, everything there is to love about BMW has been ruined. Ask the folks over at Consumer Reports, though, and they would beg to differ. CR has…