

Coachbuilt G-Wagen Convertible Sold for $72,800

Coinciding with this weekend’s Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix and taking advantage of the fact that a bunch of rich car folks would be in town, Bonhams held a high-end car auction. The results were, uh, not great, but one lot in particular was truly unique, and managed to find a new home. The only 1996 Heuliez Intruder…


“Exclusive Tucker Convertible for Sale: $2 Million | Giga Gears”

Preston Tucker was a visionary, and his cars are cool as heck. There were so many technologies developed for the Tucker 48 Sedan, like the center headlight that pivoted with your steering wheel and the quick-change drivetrain that could be swapped out in fifteen minutes. Back in 1948 this car’s powerful Franklin engine


What are Convertibles Called Spiders?

I have never truly understood why some convertibles are called spiders, since spiders are creepy and generally undesirable creatures and not small sporty topless fun machines. There are a few potential origins for this automotive arachnidian nomenclature mashup, one rooted in a poor translation, and one that comes…


“Top Classic Cars from the Early 2000s | Giga Gears”

The early 2000s may be the last decade where things made sense. The internet was still spelled with a capital I, Donald Trump was just a game show host, smartphones were a glimmer in Steve Jobs’ eye, and Marvel was nothing more than a comic book publisher. Truly halcyon days.


“The Silverstone: A Unique and Rare Bentley Model | Giga Gears”

If you’re wealthy — and I don’t mean just rich; I’m talking superyacht that’s bigger than most people’s homes with a helicopter pad, sub and a gold toilet with a heated seat wealthy — you have the sway to approach just about any automaker to request they design a one-off vehicle just for you. It’s kind of wild, but if…