

Top Online Listings for Nissan Skyline GT-R, Honda CB400T, and BMW 600 at Giga Gears

Friends, you’ve made it to the first Friday of the new year. Does the world seem a little brighter? Faces in the crowd a little happier? Is the cold winter air, once harsh and raw against your mouth and nose, now crisp and refreshing? No? Well, I don’t know what to tell you. New calendars are supposed to do that.…


“1999 Cars Now Available for Import: Check Out Giga Gears’ Top Picks”

Twenty-five years. It’s been 25 years since 1999. As an elder millennial, I just can’t fathom that kind of time passage. It feels like it was a thousand years ago, but also last week. There was something of a sea change in automotive design in the late 1990s, and that produced a few wonky shapes that have become quite…


“Daihatsu Confirms 30-Year Crash Test Result Forgery, Halts Production in Japan | Giga Gears”

Last week we reported on Daihatsu halting sales and shipments of all of its cars amid a probe into the Toyota subsidiary rigging safety tests of 64 different models, and now the situation has gotten even worse. On Wednesday, CNN reported that Daihatsu has now stopped production at all four of its Japanese factories,…


Top Cars Turning 25 | Giga Gears

When we asked which cars you’re waiting to turn 25, a few commenters expressed their disinterest in the ever-popular and impressive imported Nissan GTRs that reach eye-watering prices in the U.S. market, and focused more on Euro cars and Mexican-market cars which was refreshing.


Malaysian Elephant Herd Tramples Car in Response to Baby Elephant Collision

Here in the U.S., there’s always the risk of a deer damaging your car or a bear breaking in to drink your soda, but you don’t exactly have to worry about anything actually attacking your car while you’re driving. That’s not the case in a country such as Malaysia where they have elephants, and one driver recently found…