Homedisaster accident

disaster accident

Driver Uses Dodge Ram to Stop Out-of-Control Car on Highway

A Colorado driver saw someone else in danger and decided to take action earlier this month on the 6th Avenue Freeway, just west of Denver. A woman suffered a seizure and lost consciousness behind the wheel. Ryan Myrick took his Dodge Ram, pulled in front of an SUV, and intentionally caused a collision much safer than…


Starliner’s Return, Truck Bloat Controlled, and Jon Bon Jovi’s Life-Saving Act: Beyond Cars Roundup

Boeing’s first foray into manned space flight has been an unmitigated cock up. Starliner launched to the International Space Station with two astronauts onboard in June and landed back on Earth two months later without them after issues were uncovered with the craft. Now, more problems have surfaced during Starliner’s…


“Boeing 737 Max Tire Blowout Incident: Avoiding Takeoff Collision with Another Plane | Giga Gears”

An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max aborted a takeoff at Nashville International Airport on Thursday to avoid hitting a Southwest flight that had mistakenly been given clearance to taxi across the runway. The force put through the wheels during braking blew out the Alaska plane’s tires. The 78-ton aircraft reached 120…


Tesla Semi Fire: Massive Water Usage to Extinguish | Giga Gears

The National Transportation Safety Board revealed on Thursday that California firefighters used 50,000 gallons of water to extinguish a Tesla Semi fire last month. The electric truck crashed on Interstate 80 in Northern California and burst into flames. The resulting 1,000-degree fire shut down the highway for 16…