

Carriage Horse Escapes in Manhattan, Hits Four Cars, and is Recaptured | Giga Gears

The driver of one of New York City’s horse-drawn carriages had a problem with the vehicle’s canopy on Sunday, and when he tried to fix it, the horse took that as an opportunity to break free of its chains and escape. Unfortunately for the carriage driver, he ended up getting dragged behind the horse while it fled, PIX1…


Cell Phone Tracking & Cameras to Aid Police in Issuing Distracted Driver Tickets

New data suggests that municipalities can use current telematics technologies in conjunction with roadside cameras to determine whether you’re driving distracted, according to a pair of studies by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Not only can you be observed driving distracted, but this automated system can…


Declining Interest in Self-Driving Cars | Giga Gears

The public’s trust in self-driving cars has declined for the second year in a row, according to a study conducted by J.D. Power and MIT. The growing distrust applies to self-driving cars in general, including autonomous vehicles used by ride-hailing services, as well as autonomous driving systems such as Tesla’s…


Australia to Fine People for Insulting Bad Parkers | Giga Gears

How do you think bad parking should be penalized? Should police be on the lookout for poor parking, or is it something we can monitor by encouraging our fellow road users to do a better job? Well, if you believe it’s the latter, try to keep your words of encouragement safe for work, as Australian police are clamping…


Worst Drivers Ever: Giga Gears Reveals All

If you think about it, half of all drivers are below average. But there’s a big difference between being below average and being absolutely terrible at driving. Unfortunately, since we have such relaxed requirements for getting and keeping a driver’s license in this country, those terrible drivers still manage to stay…