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elon musk

Elon Musk’s $10M Donation: Cover for Eugenics Support?

Elon Musk loves kids. No, probably not like that, he’s just a big fan of having lots of kids — so long as they don’t go having opinions of their own, that is. In fact, Musk loves kids so much that he thinks you should have one. Have a few. Have a bunch, even. Just, make sure you’re the type who should be having kids…


“Tesla Cybertrucks Vandalized with Anti-Elon Graffiti”

It's unclear exactly what spurred on this crime or how much time it took to deface over two dozen Cybertrucks

Toddler Trapped in Tesla Due to Dead Battery in Hot Weather

A Tesla trapped a toddler inside due to a dead 12-volt battery this week, requiring Arizona firefighters to come save the child’s life.


Elon Musk Apologizes for Telling Advertisers to ‘Go F—‘ Themselves

It’s not too often Elon Musk walks back something he has said. Usually, he just hopes we all forget about the asinine claims and promises he makes, and we all go on with our lives. Well folks, not this time, because this mistake clearly is having an impact on Musk’s companies and their bottom lines. Last year, the CEO…


Tesla Struggles as EV Sales Soar | Giga Gears

Recently, it seems there’s been a lot of doom and gloom around EV sales. Despite ever-dropping prices the market just hasn’t grown the way automakers would like, leading many to shift their priorities to hybrids instead. New data, however, shows that the EV market as a whole isn’t actually suffering. All the problems…