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elon musk

Hertz’s Pre-Owned Teslas: Glitchy and Damaged Nightmares

Hertz gambled and lost when it placed its big EV bet on Tesla a few years ago. It was a chance for the rental car company to shake up the industry, instead the company bought 30,000 Teslas, got scared away by depreciation and expensive repairs and now wants to get rid of them. While all those used Teslas looked to be…


Tesla Cybertruck vs. Porsche 911 Drag Race Controversy | Giga Gears

When Tesla showed the Cybertruck beating a Porsche 911 down a drag strip while towing another Porsche 911, everyone who knew anything about cars was a bit, well, skeptical. As more information came out and YouTubers did deep dives on whether or not the results shown by Tesla were actually possible, it turned out that…


Neuralink implanted faulty brain chip despite knowing for years

Tesla boss Elon Musk has his fingers in quite a few pies these days, with half his mind working to improve electric vehicles for the masses, some of it working to save social media from bots and a bit more working on taking us to Mars. When he’s not doing that, he’s also leading a company that knew its brain chips…


Elon Musk Fires Tesla’s Supercharger Team for Refusing to Lay Off More Employees

Elon Musk fired the head of Tesla’s Supercharger department late last month, along with her entire 500-person team. It was a confusing decision that raised more questions than answers, especially considering that Musk had recently convinced every other automaker to agree to make their electric vehicles compatible with…


Elon Musk Allegedly Fires Supercharger Team in Fit of Anger

Sources say that after 15-20 percent of the Supercharger team was laid off Musk felt it wasn't enough and acted out