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elon musk

2023 Automotive Predictions: How Did They Perform? | Giga Gears

Each year, I’ve taken to asking you fine readers of Jalopnik to peer into your crystal ball and tell me just what you think is going to happen in the automotive world for the upcoming year. From the painfully true (nope, car prices still aren’t normal) to the hilariously incorrect (Charles Leclerc as Formula 1 World…


Is Hyperloop Dead? | Giga Gears

Hyperloop One is the company born to bring Elon Musk’s much hyped contention that it would be possible to engineer underground or above-ground virtually airless tubes to facilitate ultra-high speed mass transit to life. That dream now appears dead as the company has laid off most of its employees and is trying to sell…


Study Finds Higher Car Crash Rates Among Prospective Tesla Drivers [Update]

A new stat has emerged to set Tesla bros alight on social media platforms around the world: prospective Tesla drivers are involved in crashes more than the drivers of any other car brand, a LendingTree analysis reveals.


Elon Emphasizes ‘Cybertruck Boat’ Concept | Giga Gears

After years of delay after delay, Tesla has finally delivered a few Cybertrucks. It won’t be built in large numbers anytime soon, but it does sort of technically exist. Is it probably unsafe? You betcha. Still, if you have $120,000 on hand, you should be able to get one relatively soon as long as you live in…


Tesla Blames Drivers for Defective Parts, Says Report

Tesla cars have been prone to certain parts failures time and again, but the electric vehicle company has attempted to pin the blame for those failures on its drivers, citing vehicle “abuse.” Now, a new Reuters investigation shows that Tesla has been aware of these systemic issues in its vehicles but instead attempted…