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elon musk

“Boring Company: Elon Musk Drills 2.4 Miles in 7 Years | Giga Gears”

At the outset of the Boring Company’s plans to build a network of underground tunnels in Las Vegas, Elon Musk claimed that the Boring Company would build one mile of tunnel per week. At that rate, the proposed 68-mile network would have taken little more than one year to build out entirely. But seven years on, the Bori…


“Tesla Cybertruck Unavailable for Ordering Now | Giga Gears”

The Tesla Cybertruck is finally going into production. Sort of. Tesla plans to hold a launch event on Thursday and hand over 10 Cybertrucks to an unknown group of customers. If you heard the production news and decided it was finally time to place your order, though, Business Insider has discovered that Tesla is…


Tesla Cybertruck Prototype vs. San Francisco Parking Enforcement: Who Wins?

There have been a lot of Tesla Cybertruck ‘release candidates’ on the back of tow trucks lately, but they’ve all been related to breakdowns. This time a Cybertruck driver parked in the wrong place and the city of San Francisco brought down its fist of righteous retribution to enact justice. If you’ve ever parked in…


Tesla’s Cybertruck Production Delays Pose Challenges | Giga Gears

Tesla Cybertruck deliveries are supposed to start on November 30, but not much about the Cybertruck has materialized when or how it was supposed to. Starting with the botched demo that became a meme, Elon Musk has continued to overpromise and underdeliver with the Cybertruck. And now, Tesla is staring at a looming…


Tesla’s Victory in Lawsuit Against Sweden Over Union Solidarity

Tesla has found itself in an interesting pickle over in Sweden. Workers at seven of its repair shops have put together a collective bargaining agreement with the company, but Tesla refuses to sign. As more unions in the country have stood in solidarity, refusing to work with Tesla until it negotiates with its own…