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Tesla Cybertruck Drives Into Ocean | Giga Gears

Back in 2020, Elon Musk promised that the Tesla Cybertruck would “float for a while” — long enough to “serve briefly as a boat.” Now, it seems, Tesla is testing that capability in the smallest ways possible.


“Tesla’s Insurance Reportedly Disappoints: Giga Gears”

Thanks to Elon Musk, Tesla always seems to over promise or under deliver to the point of telling tales out of school. It looks as if Tesla’s insurance is no different as an in depth report from Reuters shows.


“Cruise CEO Resigns During Safety Probe | Giga Gears”

Good morning! It’s Monday, November 20, 2023, and this is The Morning Shift, your daily roundup of the top automotive headlines from around the world, in one place. Here are the important stories you need to know.


The Rock Discovers Cybertruck on Joe Rogan’s Show | Giga Gears

Dwayne Johnson has a long affiliation with Ford and recently picked up an F-150 Raptor R

“12 Billionaires Emit More Than 2 Million Average Homes | Giga Gears”

Billionaires love the planet. They have to, right? They spend so much money on developing green tech and combatting climate change, it all must mean something to them. They’re in it for the good of humanity, so surely they’re practicing what they preach, right?