

California Dealership Targeted by Catalytic Converter Thieves

The last few years have seen catalytic converter thefts explode in the U.S. Stats show that catalytic converter thefts are up over 1,000 percent in the last four years. And the thefts don’t seem to be slowing down. KTLA reports that one of the latest targets for converter thieves was a Southern California Mitsubishi…


Yellow Cars You Can Buy in 2023

Year in and year out, some combination of black, white, silver and gray are the top four car color choices in America, and that’s a shame. Having such boring color options can make you forget that some manufacturers offer really sick hues. And to me, the sickest color of all is yellow. Nothing makes a regular car a…


Electric Cars with Stupid Names

I’ll level with you: When I went to compile the responses to the question I asked y’all earlier in the week about the modern electric car with the worst name, I was worried. Worried because I need to get a minimum 10 suggestions out of you fine folks to do this whole Answer of the Day thing, and I feared I might’ve…


“12 Affordable Cars That Outperform VinFast VF8”

The reviews are in, and for the first time in many years, reviewers unanimously agree: The VinFast VF8 is a bad car. But it’s not just bad. It’s also not cheap. It would still be bad if it didn’t cost as much, but at least there would sort of almost be a reason to buy one.


“Official Cars in Your Area”

The type of vehicle someone drives says a lot about who they are, but it can also say a lot about where they’re from. If enough people in one area start getting the same type of car, it can create a little bit of a stereotype. That’s where the idea of an “official” car comes from, and it’s what sparked this question.