Homenikola tesla

nikola tesla

“Legal Resale of Cybertruck Now Possible | Giga Gears”

Following a public flogging by the press, Tesla quietly removed the clause from its Vehicle Purchase Agreement that gave it the right to sue any early Cybertruck owner who attempted to resell their motoring monstrosity within the first year of ownership, and potentially forfeit the right to buy future Teslas.


Tesla’s Swedish Labor Issue Gains More Attention | Giga Gears

A Swedish trade union is demanding Tesla sign a collective bargaining agreement - something most employees in the Scandinavian country have – or workers will expand their strike, according to the Associated Press. The Austin, Texas-based non-union automaker doesn’t have any manufacturing plants in Sweden, but 130…


Tesla’s Color Wrap Option: The Solution to Avoiding a Fridge-Like Pickup Appearance | Giga Gears

When the Cybertruck was first shown off 1421 days ago, the futuristic wedge was unlike anything else the automotive market had ever seen. To be fair, it still is. With a sharp-edged design crafted from stainless steel sheet, it wouldn’t look out of place in your local appliance showroom, fitting in between the…


Tesla Semi Outperforms Volvo, Freightliner, and Nikola in Range Test | Giga Gears

Real world testing data shows that the Tesla Semi truck can travel about 400 miles per charge, and recharge to 80 percent in just 45 minutes. Considering just how large the onboard battery pack is (roughly the size of ten Model S packs) that’s not too shabby. In a recent three-week test across 22 electric…


GM, Stellantis Reject UAW’s Claims of Supporting Strike Violence [Update]

Good morning! It’s Friday, September 29, 2023, and this is The Morning Shift, your daily roundup of the top automotive headlines from around the world, in one place. Here are the important stories you need to know.