Change Makers Podcast: Keyless Car Sharing Security (ep.4)

Car sharing has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional car ownership, offering individuals the convenience of accessing a vehicle without the financial burden and responsibilities that come with owning one. In episode four of the Autocar Business Change Makers Podcast, Ramu Nair, head of sales for INVERS, discusses the future of car sharing and the importance of security in this evolving industry.

The Rise of Car Sharing

Car sharing has experienced significant growth in recent years, with more and more people opting for this flexible and cost-effective mobility solution. INVERS, a leading car sharing platform, has been at the forefront of this movement, providing innovative technology and solutions to make car sharing accessible to a wider audience.

Nair explains that car sharing is becoming more democratised, with a diverse range of providers entering the market. This increased competition has led to improved services and lower costs for users. Additionally, the lines between different car sharing models are becoming blurred, with hybrid approaches that combine elements of traditional car rental and ride-hailing services.

The Importance of Security

One of the key concerns for both car sharing providers and users is security. With traditional car rental, keys are physically handed over, providing a level of assurance. However, in keyless car sharing, where vehicles can be accessed using a smartphone or RFID card, ensuring the security of the system becomes crucial.

INVERS has developed advanced keyless technology that not only enhances convenience but also provides robust security measures. Nair explains that their platform uses encryption and authentication protocols to prevent unauthorized access to vehicles. Additionally, real-time monitoring and tracking systems help detect any suspicious activities and enable quick response in case of theft or misuse.

Legal Implications and Data Privacy

As car sharing platforms collect and store user data, there are legal implications and privacy concerns that need to be addressed. Nair emphasizes the importance of transparent data handling practices and compliance with data protection regulations. INVERS prioritizes user privacy and ensures that data is only used for legitimate purposes, such as billing and improving the car sharing experience.

Furthermore, Nair discusses the potential benefits of sharing anonymized data with local authorities and urban planners. This data can help optimize transportation infrastructure and contribute to more efficient urban mobility solutions.

The Future of Car Sharing

Nair believes that the future of car sharing is bright, with continued growth and innovation in the industry. He highlights the importance of collaboration between car sharing providers, automakers, and technology companies to create a seamless and integrated mobility ecosystem.

INVERS is actively working on partnerships with various stakeholders to expand their car sharing platform and improve accessibility for users. By integrating their technology with existing transportation networks, they aim to provide a comprehensive mobility solution that seamlessly combines public transport, car sharing, and other modes of transportation.


The car sharing industry is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences. As more people embrace the convenience and affordability of car sharing, ensuring the security of these systems becomes paramount.

INVERS, with its keyless car sharing platform and robust security measures, is at the forefront of this industry. Nair’s insights shed light on the future of car sharing and the importance of collaboration and innovation in creating a sustainable and accessible mobility solution.

To learn more about the future of automotive and hear from industry leaders like Ramu Nair, subscribe to the Autocar Business Change Makers Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, or your preferred podcast platform.

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