China to Boost EV Sales with Public Funds

China’s Ministry of Commerce Launches Campaign to Boost Electric Vehicle Sales in Rural Areas

As the world’s largest market for electric vehicles (EVs), China is determined to maintain its lead in the industry. However, with sales of fully-electric cars slowing down, the country is now looking to expand its reach beyond urban centers and into rural communities. To achieve this goal, China’s Ministry of Commerce has launched a six-month campaign that will use public funds to boost EV sales in these areas.

The campaign aims to increase the number of EVs sold in rural communities and other areas outside of major cities. It will provide subsidies for EV purchases, as well as support for charging infrastructure development. The Ministry of Commerce hopes that this initiative will help to stimulate demand for EVs in these regions and ultimately help China maintain its position as the world’s largest EV market.

Secondary Header: The Importance of Electric Vehicles in China

China has been a major player in the global EV market for several years now. The country’s government has made significant investments in the industry, providing subsidies for EV purchases and supporting the development of charging infrastructure. As a result, China has become the largest market for EVs in the world, with sales reaching over 1.2 million units in 2020.

The Chinese government’s support for EVs is driven by several factors. First and foremost, the country is looking to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and improve air quality. China has some of the worst air pollution in the world, and the government sees EVs as a way to address this issue. Additionally, the government sees the EV industry as a key driver of economic growth and job creation.

Secondary Header: Slowing Sales of Fully-Electric Cars

Despite China’s success in the EV market, sales of fully-electric cars have been slowing down in recent months. In June 2021, sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs), which include EVs and plug-in hybrids, fell by 35.3% compared to the same period in 2020. This decline has been attributed to several factors, including a reduction in government subsidies and supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

To address this issue, the Chinese government has been exploring new ways to stimulate demand for EVs. The Ministry of Commerce’s six-month campaign is one such initiative. By targeting rural communities and other areas outside of major cities, the government hopes to tap into new markets and boost sales of EVs.

Secondary Header: The Benefits of Expanding EV Sales to Rural Areas

Expanding EV sales to rural areas has several benefits. First, it can help to reduce air pollution in these regions. While major cities like Beijing and Shanghai are often associated with China’s air pollution problems, rural areas also suffer from high levels of pollution. By promoting EVs in these areas, the government can help to improve air quality and protect public health.

Second, expanding EV sales to rural areas can help to create new jobs and stimulate economic growth. The EV industry is a major employer in China, and expanding sales to new markets can help to create new opportunities for workers and businesses.

Finally, expanding EV sales to rural areas can help to reduce China’s dependence on imported oil. China is the world’s largest importer of oil, and reducing this dependence is a key strategic goal for the government. By promoting EVs in rural areas, the government can help to reduce demand for oil and promote energy independence.


China’s Ministry of Commerce’s six-month campaign to boost EV sales in rural areas is an important initiative that could help to maintain China’s position as the world’s largest EV market. By expanding sales to new markets, the government can help to reduce air pollution, create new jobs, and promote energy independence. As the global demand for EVs continues to grow, China’s leadership in the industry will be critical to its economic and environmental future.

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