China’s Auto Industry Struggles with Overcapacity: 123 Brands Compete for 22M Buyers | Giga Gears

The Challenges of China’s Auto Industry Overcapacity

Production Capacity vs. Consumer Demand

China’s auto industry has the capacity to build 40 million vehicles per year, which is double the number of cars sold in the nation annually. This surplus has led to concerns in other countries about protecting their own automakers through extra taxes as Chinese companies seek to export their vehicles.

Government Support and Economic Growth

Despite the disparity between production capacity and consumer demand, the Chinese government continues to fund the industry to secure jobs and support economic growth. Automakers in China can produce around 40 million vehicles per year, while consumers purchase only about 22 million cars annually.

The Rise of New-Energy Vehicles

With a focus on new-energy vehicles like electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), Chinese automakers are facing challenges due to shifting consumer preferences and broader economic concerns. The industry is witnessing a price war among EV makers as they compete for market share.

Global Expansion and Export Growth

Chinese automakers are looking to expand into new markets, leading to a significant increase in auto exports from China. The industry saw a fivefold increase in exports between 2020 and 2023, with many gains made in Russia following trade embargoes from the U.S. and its allies.

Government Subsidies and Industry Consolidation

Despite overcapacity, the Chinese government continues to subsidize the auto industry to bolster its global presence and support economic growth. This support allows even unprofitable automakers to continue production. While some officials call for industry consolidation, the expansion mindset prevails for now.


China’s auto industry faces challenges of overcapacity, shifting consumer preferences, and global competition. As the government continues to support the industry, automakers are navigating a complex landscape of market demands and international trade dynamics.

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