CLEAR Escorts Passenger Who Retrieved Boarding Pass from Trash Through Airport Security

How CLEAR Can Help You Skip the Long Airport Security Lines

Waiting in lengthy lines to get through airport security checkpoints is one of the most frustrating aspects of passenger air travel. However, there is a solution that can help you bypass those long lines and get to your gate faster. It’s called CLEAR, and for a $189 annual fee, you can enjoy the benefits of this expedited security screening service.

What is CLEAR?

CLEAR is a trusted traveler program that uses biometric technology to verify your identity and expedite the airport security process. By enrolling in CLEAR, you can skip the traditional ID check and head straight to the security screening area.

When you sign up for CLEAR, you will need to provide your personal information and biometric data, such as your fingerprints and iris scans. This information is securely stored and used to verify your identity each time you go through airport security.

How Does CLEAR Work?

Once you have enrolled in CLEAR, the process is simple. When you arrive at the airport, you will find dedicated CLEAR lanes at the security checkpoint. Approach the CLEAR kiosk and scan your boarding pass or mobile device. Then, step up to the biometric scanner and provide your fingerprints or iris scan for verification.

After your identity is confirmed, a CLEAR representative will escort you to the front of the line, bypassing the regular TSA screening process. This means you can avoid the long queues and get through security in a matter of minutes.

The Benefits of CLEAR

The main benefit of CLEAR is obvious – it saves you time. By skipping the regular security lines, you can avoid the frustration of waiting for extended periods and reduce the stress associated with air travel.

In addition to time savings, CLEAR also offers other perks. For example, if you are a frequent traveler, you may appreciate the convenience of not having to dig through your bag for your ID or boarding pass. With CLEAR, your biometric data is all you need to prove your identity.

CLEAR is also available at select sports stadiums and concert venues, allowing you to breeze through the entrance lines and get to your seat faster. This can be particularly beneficial if you are attending a high-profile event with large crowds.

Recent Incidents and Controversies

While CLEAR has been praised for its efficiency and convenience, it has faced some recent incidents and controversies. In one incident, a passenger was thrown out of the CLEAR program after attempting to use someone else’s boarding pass to gain access to the expedited security lane.

Another controversy surrounding CLEAR is the use of facial recognition technology. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been testing facial recognition technology at 16 airports, including those where CLEAR is available. Some privacy advocates have raised concerns about the potential misuse of this technology and the implications for personal privacy.

Is CLEAR Worth the Cost?

Whether or not CLEAR is worth the $189 annual fee depends on your personal preferences and travel habits. If you frequently travel by air and value your time and convenience, CLEAR can be a worthwhile investment. The time saved and stress reduced can make your travel experience much more enjoyable.

However, if you only travel occasionally or don’t mind waiting in line, the cost of CLEAR may not be justified. It’s important to weigh the benefits against the annual fee and decide if it aligns with your priorities.


If you’re tired of waiting in long airport security lines, CLEAR can offer a solution. By enrolling in this trusted traveler program, you can bypass the regular security process and get to your gate faster. While there have been some recent incidents and controversies surrounding CLEAR, the overall benefits of time savings and convenience make it a compelling option for frequent travelers. Consider your travel habits and priorities to determine if CLEAR is the right choice for you.

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