Close Call: Southwest Airplanes Avoid Runway Collision in Washington D.C.

Airplane Incident at Reagan National Airport

On Thursday morning, a potentially disastrous situation was narrowly avoided at Reagan National Airport near Washington, D.C. when two airliners came dangerously close to colliding on a runway.

The Incident

A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 had been cleared to taxi across a runway, unaware that a JetBlue Embraer ERJ-190 was preparing to take off on the same runway. The situation could have resulted in a catastrophic collision.

The Outcome

Thankfully, disaster was averted as the pilots of both planes were able to react quickly and prevent the near-miss. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is currently investigating the incident to determine what went wrong and how similar situations can be prevented in the future.

For more details on this alarming incident, you can read more here.

Reagan National Airport

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