“Cops Perform PIT Maneuver on Massive John Deere Tractor | Giga Gears”

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Flip Over John Deere Tractor on British Columbia Highway

Last Saturday, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in British Columbia found themselves in an unusual pursuit as they flipped a six-figure John Deere farm tractor on its roof. The incident occurred when the tractor driver attempted to negotiate the on-ramp to Highway 1.

The Collision

During the pursuit, one of the RCMP officers drove his Ford Explorer into the right rear wheel of the Deere, causing it to flip over. This maneuver was not a traditional PIT (Precision Immobilization Technique) maneuver, which is commonly used by law enforcement to disable fleeing vehicles.

The Reason Behind the Pursuit

The RCMP’s decision to pursue the tractor was prompted by the driver’s erratic behavior and potential danger to other motorists on the highway. The tractor was traveling at a significantly slower speed than the surrounding traffic, posing a risk of accidents and congestion.

Implications for Law Enforcement

This incident highlights the challenges faced by law enforcement when dealing with unconventional vehicles during pursuits. While PIT maneuvers are effective for stopping most vehicles, larger and more robust vehicles like tractors require alternative strategies to safely immobilize them.


The RCMP’s pursuit and subsequent flipping of a John Deere tractor on a British Columbia highway serves as a reminder of the unpredictable situations law enforcement officers encounter daily. As technology advances and vehicles continue to evolve, law enforcement agencies must adapt their tactics to ensure public safety.

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