Corporate Greed: Documentary on Missing Titanic Submarine Already Exists

Title: Controversial Documentary on Missing OceanGate Titanic Exploration Sub Sparks Outrage


The recent disappearance of the OceanGate Titanic exploration sub has left the world in shock and disbelief. The sub, which was on a mission to explore the wreckage of the Titanic, went missing with only a few days of breathable air on Sunday. While the search for the sub continues, a documentary about the incident is set to air on the United Kingdom’s Channel 5, sparking outrage and controversy.

Heading 1: The Premise of the Documentary

The documentary, titled “Lost Sub: The Hunt for the OceanGate Titanic,” follows the search for the missing sub and the efforts of the rescue team to locate it. The production company behind the documentary claims that it aims to shed light on the dangers of deep-sea exploration and the risks involved in such missions. However, many have criticized the timing of the documentary, which is set to air while the search for the sub is still ongoing.

Heading 2: The Backlash

The announcement of the documentary has sparked outrage among the families of the crew members and the public. Many have taken to social media to express their anger and disappointment at the insensitivity of the production company. Some have even called for a boycott of Channel 5 and the documentary.

Heading 3: The Ethics of Documentary Making

The controversy surrounding the documentary raises questions about the ethics of documentary making. While documentaries can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and educating the public, they can also be exploitative and insensitive. In this case, the production company seems to have prioritized ratings over sensitivity to the families of the crew members and respect for the ongoing search efforts.

Heading 4: The Importance of Sensitivity in Media Coverage

The media has a responsibility to report on events in a sensitive and respectful manner, especially when it involves tragedy and loss. The families of the crew members are already going through a difficult time, and the last thing they need is to see their loved ones’ story exploited for entertainment purposes. The production company and Channel 5 should have shown more sensitivity and respect for the families and the ongoing search efforts.

Heading 5: The Impact of the Documentary on the Search Efforts

The timing of the documentary could also have an impact on the search efforts. The production company claims that it has not interfered with the search, but the documentary could distract from the rescue team’s efforts and take away resources from the search. The priority should be on finding the missing sub and ensuring the safety of the crew members, not on ratings and entertainment.


The controversy surrounding the documentary on the missing OceanGate Titanic exploration sub highlights the importance of sensitivity and respect in media coverage. While documentaries can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and educating the public, they should not be exploitative or insensitive. The families of the crew members and the ongoing search efforts should be given priority over ratings and entertainment. It is important for media outlets to remember their responsibility to report on events in a sensitive and respectful manner, especially when it involves tragedy and loss.

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