“Corvette C7 Driver’s Tree Crash: Giga Gears Accident”

Corvette Crash: A Costly Lesson in Driving Beyond Your Abilities

Corvette Crash: A Costly Lesson in Driving Beyond Your Abilities


Everybody makes mistakes behind the wheel from time to time. Hopefully, those mistakes don’t lead to catastrophic accidents like in this story. A Chevrolet Corvette driver causes their very own single-car crash when they run out of traction and driving skill at the same moment.

The Crash

  • Two Corvettes were driving alongside each other when one of them inexplicably crashed.
  • The damaged car lost almost its entire front half after hitting a tree.
  • It appears as though a loss of traction and driving skills led to the accident.

The Encounter

Everything seemed like it was going just fine as a pair of C7 Corvettes drove down a divided four-lane road. The duo could be twins from what we can see in the short clip. Each is painted in white with black accents including a Gurney flap at the rear.

The Crash Sequence

The two do not seem to be racing as the camera car is keeping up just fine. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the Corvette in lane one has the back end slide out hard to the right as a little puff of exhaust smoke exits the quad tips. We see the brake lights come on but it’s far too late. The Chevrolet is almost fully 90 degrees from where it started.

Crash Sequence

The Damage

It runs up onto a curb, hits a bush, and then slams into a tree before finishing the spin. Now, with the front of the sports car in view, we can see the damage. Both headlights are gone, the front bumper is split into several pieces, and the hood is severely mangled. It appears as though the car might have even leaked out some vital fluids in the process.

The Lesson

No doubt, the lesson here is obvious and clear. Driving outside of one’s abilities is dangerous and sometimes incredibly costly. We’re just happy that the only person involved was the person who instigated the whole thing.

Image Credit: The Car Community

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