Corvette Outruns Arkansas State Police and Disappears | Giga Gears

Chevrolet Corvette Outruns Arkansas State Police in High-Speed Chase

Chevrolet Corvette Outruns Arkansas State Police


Fleeing from the authorities is never advisable, but one daring Chevrolet Corvette driver managed to outrun the
pursuing Arkansas State Police in a high-speed chase. This extraordinary escape showcases the exceptional
performance of the Corvette and the driver’s confidence in their abilities.

The Arkansas State Police’s History of Pursuits

The Arkansas State Police (ASP) has a reputation for engaging in thrilling pursuits. From nearly wrecking at speeds
exceeding 100 mph to chasing suspects through residential neighborhoods, they are known for their relentless
pursuit of lawbreakers. The Corvette driver must have been incredibly confident or reckless to attempt to escape
from such determined officers.

The Chase Begins

The pursuit begins with Trooper Caleb Pevehouse spotting the Corvette and a pickup truck traveling at high speeds.
Pevehouse decides to target the Corvette, possibly due to its earlier speeding. However, his exact reason for
choosing the Corvette is unclear. He mentions that the car has temporary Oklahoma tags, making it difficult to

The Corvette’s Daring Escape

As Pevehouse follows the Corvette from one lane to another and onto an exit ramp, he activates his lights just as
they are about to turn onto South Zero Street in Fort Smith. In response, the Corvette accelerates rapidly,
leaving the police cruiser behind. The Corvette manages to create a significant gap between itself and the
pursuing officers, only slowing down briefly at an intersection to let traffic pass. After that, the Corvette
disappears from sight.

Astounding Speed and Horsepower

Despite reaching speeds of over 120 mph (193 km/h), the police car is unable to keep up with the powerful American
sports car. Trooper Pevehouse acknowledges the Corvette’s superior horsepower, admitting that it outmatches his
own vehicle. The pursuit continues for several minutes as the officers attempt to locate the Corvette, but it
remains elusive. Fortunately, no innocent bystanders were harmed during this chase.


This thrilling high-speed chase involving a Chevrolet Corvette and the Arkansas State Police showcases the
incredible performance capabilities of the Corvette. While fleeing from law enforcement is never recommended, it
is a testament to the Corvette’s power and the driver’s skill. This incident serves as a reminder of the
importance of responsible driving and obeying traffic laws.

GIF Police Pursuits

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