Councils empowered to introduce 20mph and low-traffic zones | Giga Gears

Local Councils Given Power to Implement 20mph and Low Traffic Zones

The introduction of road safety schemes, such as 20mph zones and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), will now be in the hands of individual local councils, according to new transport secretary Louise Haigh. This move aims to shift away from central government imposition and give local authorities the freedom to implement these schemes as they see fit.

Support for Local Authorities

Haigh expressed her full support for local authorities in rolling out these schemes during an interview on the podcast Streets Ahead. This marks a departure from the previous government’s approach, which saw high-profile MPs, including former prime minister Rishi Sunak, publicly criticizing these schemes despite them being initially introduced by a Conservative government.

Ending the “Culture Wars”

The new transport minister aims to move away from the divisive “culture wars” surrounding these road safety schemes. Sunak had ordered a review into LTNs and promised to block councils from implementing 20mph speed restrictions, positioning himself as pro-motorist. However, Haigh believes this approach has left many local authorities in a state of uncertainty and inaction.

Local Decision-Making

Haigh emphasized the importance of local decision-making and community involvement in implementing these schemes. She believes that decisions regarding 20mph zones and LTNs should be made at the local level, rather than dictated or opposed by the central government. This approach ensures that the schemes are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each community, avoiding potential safety concerns.

Haigh acknowledged the challenges faced by local authorities without government support, stating, “It’s really, really difficult for local authorities when they’ve not got that air cover from government. And not only did they not have the air cover, they had the government actively working against them saying: ‘No, you’re not allowed to roll out 20mph zones. No, you’re not allowed to roll out LTNs.’ Those kinds of decisions should absolutely be made at a local level by communities and not dictated to or stoked up by the centre.”

She also emphasized the importance of implementing the right schemes in collaboration with communities to ensure their support and safety. Putting in place inappropriate schemes can erode public support and potentially lead to unsafe conditions.

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