“Cut EV Charging Times in Half for Free | Giga Gears”

Revolutionary Battery Technology Cuts EV Charging Times in Half

Electric cars have long been plagued by the issue of lengthy charging times, making long journeys inconvenient for many drivers. However, a breakthrough in battery technology by Storedot promises to change that narrative.

The Storedot XFC Technology

In 2021, Storedot unveiled its silicon-dominant lithium-ion battery anode technology, known as XFC (Extreme Fast Charge). This technology was designed to cut charging times by 50% without any additional cost.

Achieving the Impossible

Recently, Storedot partnered with Polestar to test the XFC technology in a real-world scenario. Using a prototype Polestar 5, the team managed to charge the battery from 10% to 82% in just 10 minutes, exceeding expectations.

Impressive Results

The test revealed a significant improvement in the charge curve, with charging rates increasing from 310kW at 10% SOC to over 370kW at 80% SOC. This means drivers can top up their battery quickly and efficiently, similar to refueling a traditional ICE car.

The Future of EV Charging

Polestar believes this achievement to be a world-first and plans to integrate the technology into its production cars within the next two to three years. This breakthrough not only benefits drivers but also ensures quicker turnover at charging stations for other users.

With Storedot’s XFC technology, the future of EV charging looks brighter than ever before.

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