Cybertruck Crash Due to Unresponsive Controls | Giga Gears

The Unfortunate Crash of a New Tesla Cybertruck Owner


A new Cybertruck owner’s first drive allegedly ended in a crash due to unresponsive controls. The incident has raised concerns about potential safety defects in the vehicle.

The Crash

A new Cybertruck owner’s honeymoon phase took a sharp turn when both the accelerator and steering failed, resulting in a collision with a neighbor’s house. Despite applying the brakes, the truck continued its path of destruction, leaving skid marks across the road.

Owner’s Response

The disgruntled owner shared his experience on social media, highlighting the unresponsiveness of the accelerator and steering. The rear wheels locked up, preventing the vehicle from slowing down as expected.

Tesla’s Explanation

A Tesla representative suggested that the terrain may have caused the accelerator to remain engaged even when the brakes were applied. This explanation has sparked concerns about similar issues affecting other Cybertrucks.

Damage Assessment

The crash resulted in significant damage to the Cybertruck, including a deformed front fender, cracked windshield, and damage to the bumper and hood. Repair costs are estimated at $30,000, with replacement parts facing a one-year waiting period.


It is crucial for Tesla to investigate this incident thoroughly and implement backup systems for the brakes to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Source: @bfreshwa

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