Cybertruck Stainless Steel Shield Proves Worth in Crash with Ford Excursion

The Tesla Cybertruck: A Survivor in a Violent Crash


A recent incident involving a Tesla Cybertruck owner highlights the vehicle’s durability in the face of a violent collision. Despite criticisms of its design, the Cybertruck’s stainless steel body and safety features proved their worth when an oncoming Ford Excursion crashed into it.

The Accident

  • The Cybertruck owner shared the harrowing experience of the collision.
  • Despite the impact, the driver, along with family members, survived the crash.
  • Video footage captures the moment of impact as the Ford collides with the Tesla.


Photos from the scene reveal the extent of damage to the Cybertruck. The driver’s side suffered significant damage, with the rear wheel destroyed and airbags deployed.

Owner’s Account

The owner, identified as John, recounted the incident on CybertruckOwnersClub. He praised Tesla’s engineering for protecting him and his family during the crash.

Video Evidence

Details of the Crash

John described how the Ford SUV crossed lanes, leading to the collision. Despite efforts to avoid it, the impact was unavoidable due to the speed and circumstances.


The Cybertruck’s resilience in this accident showcases its safety features and durability. Both vehicles were traveling at high speeds, emphasizing the importance of vehicle safety in such situations.

Image Credit: CybertruckOwnersClub

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