Cyclist Ticketed for Confronting Illegally Parked NYPD Officer on Sidewalk

Title: Cyclist Confronts NYPD Officer Over Illegal Parking, Receives Ticket


A recent incident in New York City has shed light on the issue of police officers illegally parking their vehicles on sidewalks. In a video that has gone viral, a cyclist attempts to correct an NYPD officer who was about to park his police car illegally. However, instead of addressing the concern, the cyclist ends up receiving a ticket. This incident has sparked a debate about the standards at the NYPD and the tactics employed by the cyclist.

The Rampant Issue of Illegal Parking

Illegally parked police cars on sidewalks have become a rampant issue in New York City. According to a study conducted by a Berkeley professor, out of 77 NYPD precincts, 70 had instances of police cars being parked illegally on sidewalks. This not only poses a safety hazard but also raises questions about the enforcement of laws by those who are meant to uphold them.

The Incident Caught on Camera

In the video, the cyclist, identified as Louis M., approaches an NYPD officer who is in the process of backing his vehicle into a pseudo-parking spot on the sidewalk. One of the officers in the SUV can be heard saying, “Sir, it’s police parking,” over the loudspeaker. A verbal argument ensues between Louis and the officers for several minutes before he is issued a summons for riding his bike on the sidewalk.

Questionable Tactics and Responses

Louis’s actions have been met with mixed reactions. Some view his defiance as a bold stand against wrongdoing, while others criticize his approach. In an interview, Louis stated that he believes putting his body in the way and stopping the officers from engaging in illegal parking is the only power he has. He also acknowledges his privilege as a white man, recognizing that he can confront the police in a way that others may not be able to do safely.

The NYPD’s Response

In response to the incident, the NYPD provided a non-committal statement to Hell Gate, stating that parking around precincts is a persistent challenge due to limited space in the city. They claim to strive for balance and work towards common-sense solutions. However, this response has left many unsatisfied, as it fails to address the issue of officers parking illegally and the accountability of those involved.


The incident involving the cyclist confronting an NYPD officer over illegal parking has sparked a larger conversation about the standards and practices within the police force. The prevalence of illegally parked police cars on sidewalks in New York City is a concern that needs to be addressed. While the cyclist’s tactics may be debatable, it highlights the frustration felt by citizens when they witness law enforcement officers engaging in illegal activities. Moving forward, it is crucial for the NYPD to address these concerns and work towards finding practical solutions to ensure the safety and accountability of its officers.

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