Dealership Sells Car During Repairs | Giga Gears

Woman in Knoxville, Tennessee Faces Nightmare After Dealership Sells Car Out from Under Her

A woman in Knoxville, Tennessee found herself in a difficult situation after a used car dealership sold her Ford Taurus without her consent. The incident occurred after she had brought the car in for repairs, only to have it taken away from her. To make matters worse, months later, the car was still registered in her name, causing further complications.

Seeking Help

Feeling helpless, the woman turned to a local news station’s consumer affairs segment for assistance. The “Help Me” guy at the news station took on her case and helped shed light on the dealership’s questionable actions.

Unresolved Issues

Despite the woman’s efforts to resolve the situation, the dealership had not rectified the issue, leaving her in a frustrating predicament. The unresolved matter not only caused inconvenience but also raised concerns about the dealership’s business practices.


It is essential for consumers to be vigilant and aware of their rights when dealing with car dealerships. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of thorough documentation and legal protection when engaging in such transactions.

For more details on this story, you can read the full article here.

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