Diesel Pickups Block Highway, Coal Roll Tesla

What is Rolling Coal?

Rolling coal is the practice of modifying diesel engines to emit large plumes of black smoke. This is done by removing or tampering with emissions controls, allowing the engine to burn more fuel than necessary and generate excessive amounts of soot. While some diesel enthusiasts may see it as a way to show off their vehicles, it is widely considered to be a form of pollution and a public nuisance.

The Dangers of Rolling Coal

Rolling coal is not only harmful to the environment, but it can also be dangerous for other road users. The thick clouds of smoke can severely impair visibility, making it difficult for drivers to see the road ahead. This is particularly dangerous on highways and other high-speed roads where sudden changes in visibility can lead to accidents.

In addition to the immediate dangers of reduced visibility, rolling coal also has long-term health effects. The particulate matter in diesel exhaust has been linked to a range of respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. Children, the elderly, and people with pre-existing respiratory conditions are particularly vulnerable.

The Tesla Model 3 Incident

A recent incident involving a Tesla Model 3 and a group of rolling coal pickup trucks highlights the dangers of this practice. Twitter user @NateWiki shared footage from inside his Model 3, showing three pickup trucks occupying all three lanes ahead of him. As he moves over to the rightmost lane, one of the pickups accelerates and emits a large plume of black smoke, which engulfs the Tesla.

@NateWiki describes the incident as a “blockade” and expresses his frustration at the lack of legal consequences for rolling coal. He also notes that he wishes he had a HEPA air filter to protect himself from the harmful pollutants in the smoke.

The video shows just how severely rolling coal can affect visibility, with other drivers on the road struggling to see through the thick cloud of smoke. This not only endangers the Tesla driver but also puts other road users at risk.

The Legal Status of Rolling Coal

While rolling coal is widely considered to be a form of pollution and a public nuisance, it is not illegal in all states. Some states have passed laws specifically targeting rolling coal, while others have more general laws against tampering with emissions controls. However, enforcement of these laws can be difficult, and many drivers continue to modify their vehicles to emit excessive amounts of smoke.


Rolling coal is a dangerous and harmful practice that puts other road users at risk. The incident involving the Tesla Model 3 highlights the need for stronger legal consequences for those who engage in this behavior. While some states have taken steps to outlaw rolling coal, more needs to be done to protect public health and safety. In the meantime, drivers should be aware of the dangers of rolling coal and take steps to reduce their exposure to diesel exhaust.

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