Donald Trump Finds Elon Musk ‘Weird’ | Giga Gears

Elon Musk’s Support for Donald Trump

Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been a vocal supporter of former president Donald Trump. Musk has not only expressed his admiration for Trump on social media but has also reportedly made significant financial contributions to his campaign. However, despite Musk’s unwavering support, it seems that Trump does not reciprocate these feelings. In fact, he has been quite critical of Musk, considering him to be rather peculiar.

Musk’s Role as a Mouthpiece for Trump

One of the ways in which Musk has shown his support for Trump is by acting as a mouthpiece for the presidential candidate on social media. Musk has used his platform to promote Trump’s policies and initiatives, effectively endorsing him to his millions of followers. However, despite Musk’s efforts, it appears that Trump does not appreciate his support and views him in a negative light.

Trump’s Opinion of Musk

In an article published on Jalopnik, it is revealed that Trump finds Musk to be “weird.” The former president’s opinion of Musk is not entirely clear, but it is evident that he does not hold him in high regard. This revelation comes as a surprise considering Musk’s public displays of support for Trump.

To learn more about Trump’s opinion of Elon Musk, you can read the full article here.

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