Driver Locks Himself Out of Car, Hilariously Smashes Windshield with Brick Instead of Hiring Locksmith

Title: Man Smashes Windshield to Retrieve Locked Keys: A Lesson in Creative Problem Solving


Locking keys inside a car is a common occurrence that often leads to creative solutions. While modern cars offer remote support to unlock vehicles from a distance, not everyone has access to such technology. In a recent incident in Richmond, Canada, a man with an older Toyota found himself in this predicament and resorted to smashing his own windshield to retrieve his keys. This article delves into the details of this unusual incident and highlights the importance of considering alternative solutions.

The Language Barrier and Miscommunication

From the video footage shared on Reddit, it becomes apparent that the man in question may not be fluent in English. This language barrier likely prevented him from fully understanding the advice given by bystanders. Despite the potential miscommunication, it seems that breaking one’s own windshield is a decision most people would avoid at all costs.

The Suggested Alternatives

Right from the start of the video, the camera operator suggests that the man should call a tow truck. While it remains unclear whether towing the car was the intended solution or if they expected the tow truck driver to provide lockout services, this suggestion gains credibility as the video progresses.

The Ineffectiveness of Smashing the Windshield

The cameraman warns the driver that breaking the windshield would not solve the problem, emphasizing that there is mesh within it. Instead, he suggests breaking the rear driver’s side door glass and even walks up to the car to point it out, bridging the language gap. However, despite this guidance, the driver remains determined to smash the windshield, claiming it is already “broken.”

The Role of Bystanders

Although cracks are visible on the windshield before the brick is thrown, bystanders refrain from intervening further, perhaps due to the driver’s unwavering determination. Instead, they record the incident, offering minimal assistance. It is worth considering whether their hesitation was due to the language barrier or the driver’s insistence on his chosen course of action.

The Unforeseen Consequences

As the driver smashes the windshield, the bystanders encourage him to continue until he can retrieve his keys. One helpful bystander even provides a bag to protect his arm while reaching through the broken glass. However, in a comical turn of events, the driver accidentally activates the wipers, highlighting the oversight of not considering the consequences of his actions. The cameraman astutely points out the potential danger of driving with a shattered windshield, raising concerns about the driver’s ability to see clearly.


The incident of a man smashing his own windshield to retrieve locked keys serves as a reminder of the importance of considering alternative solutions and seeking professional assistance when faced with such situations. While language barriers and miscommunication may complicate matters, it is crucial to explore all available options before resorting to extreme measures. This incident also highlights the role of bystanders in providing guidance and support during challenging circumstances.

As technology continues to advance, it is essential for car manufacturers to ensure that remote unlocking features are widely accessible. This would minimize the need for drastic measures and promote safer and more efficient solutions for individuals facing lockout situations.

Ultimately, this incident serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us all to think critically and seek appropriate help when faced with unexpected challenges.

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