“Driver Stays Calm While PITing Motorist Who Cut Her Off”

Unbelievable Dashcam Footage: Driver Executes Perfect PIT Maneuver

Accidents and crashes are common occurrences on the road, but a recent incident caught on camera stands out for its rarity and skillful execution. The video captures a driver showcasing expert PIT maneuver skills with remarkable composure, adding an extra layer of coolness to the chaotic situation.

Unraveling the Mystery

The footage, seemingly from Texas based on the license plate of the SUV involved, shows a Chevrolet Suburban attempting to merge into the lane of the camera car. Despite the impending collision, the driver of the camera car remains calm and composed, not making any sudden moves to avoid contact.

The Perfect Execution

As the Suburban swerves back into its lane, the camera car driver skillfully maneuvers her vehicle to avoid a second collision. The Suburban then loses control and spins out, while the camera car driver maintains control and avoids any further danger.

Impressive Driving Skills

While the incident could have been avoided with better judgment from both drivers, the skillful execution of the PIT maneuver is undeniable. The driver’s quick thinking and precise actions prevented a more serious accident from occurring.


This incredible display of driving expertise highlights the importance of staying calm and focused in high-pressure situations on the road. The driver’s ability to execute such a maneuver with precision and grace is truly commendable and serves as a reminder of the importance of defensive driving.

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