Driver Uses Dodge Ram to Stop Out-of-Control Car on Highway

Colorado Driver Saves Woman’s Life in Heroic Act on 6th Avenue Freeway

A heroic incident took place on the 6th Avenue Freeway, just west of Denver, earlier this month when a Colorado driver witnessed a woman in danger and decided to take immediate action. The woman had suffered a seizure and lost consciousness while driving, putting her life and the lives of others at risk.

Quick Thinking and Heroic Action

Ryan Myrick, the quick-thinking driver, was behind the wheel of his Dodge Ram when he noticed the woman’s SUV veering uncontrollably. Without hesitation, Myrick maneuvered his vehicle in front of the SUV, intentionally causing a collision to bring both vehicles to a safe stop.

By taking this bold action, Myrick prevented a potentially catastrophic situation. His quick thinking and bravery saved not only the woman’s life but also the lives of other innocent drivers on the road.

A Safer Alternative

While intentionally causing a collision may seem counterintuitive, in this particular situation, it was the safest course of action. By using his Dodge Ram to stop the out-of-control SUV, Myrick ensured that the collision occurred at a slower speed, minimizing the risk of severe injuries or fatalities.

Myrick’s heroic act serves as a reminder of the importance of being aware of our surroundings and taking action when necessary to protect the lives of others. His selfless act of bravery should be commended and serves as an inspiration to us all.

To read more about this incredible story, please visit here.

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