Driverless Cars in California Can Break Laws Without Getting Ticketed

How to Regulate Autonomous Cars Breaking Traffic Laws

Autonomous cars have been making their way onto public roads in several cities across the United States. However, this driverless phenomenon has raised a perplexing question: How do we ensure that these autonomous vehicles are held accountable when they break traffic laws? NBC recently conducted an investigation into this matter.

The Challenge of Regulating Autonomous Cars

As autonomous cars become more prevalent on our roads, it is crucial to establish regulations that hold them accountable for their actions. Currently, there is no clear framework in place to address the issue of driverless cars breaking traffic laws. This poses a significant challenge for law enforcement agencies and raises concerns about public safety.

The Immunity of Driverless Cars

One of the main issues highlighted in the NBC investigation is the immunity of driverless cars from traffic tickets. Unlike human drivers who can be pulled over and fined for violating traffic laws, autonomous vehicles do not face the same consequences. This raises questions about how to enforce traffic regulations and ensure that autonomous cars adhere to the same rules as human drivers.

Potential Solutions

Several potential solutions have been proposed to address the regulation of autonomous cars breaking traffic laws:

1. Developing New Legislation

Lawmakers can work on creating new legislation specifically tailored to autonomous vehicles. This would involve defining clear guidelines and penalties for driverless cars that break traffic laws. By establishing a legal framework, law enforcement agencies would have the necessary tools to enforce regulations and hold autonomous vehicles accountable.

2. Collaborating with Technology Companies

Collaboration between law enforcement agencies and technology companies developing autonomous vehicles can be beneficial in addressing this issue. By working together, they can develop systems that allow law enforcement to identify and penalize driverless cars that violate traffic laws. This could involve implementing technology that enables remote monitoring and control of autonomous vehicles.

3. Public Awareness and Education

Increasing public awareness and education about autonomous vehicles and their regulations is essential. By educating the public about the capabilities and limitations of driverless cars, individuals can better understand the importance of adhering to traffic laws. This can help create a culture of responsible autonomous vehicle usage.


The regulation of autonomous cars breaking traffic laws is a complex issue that requires careful consideration. As the number of driverless vehicles on our roads continues to grow, it is crucial to establish effective regulations that ensure their safe and responsible operation. By addressing this challenge head-on, we can pave the way for a future where autonomous vehicles coexist harmoniously with human drivers.

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