Elon Musk’s Internal Tesla Email Urges

Title: Elon Musk Sets Unprecedented Standards for Tesla Cybertruck Build Quality


In a recent communication to the Tesla team, Elon Musk emphasized the need for exceptional build quality and design precision for the upcoming Cybertruck. This revelation comes at a crucial time as Cybertruck production is on the horizon. Musk’s strict standards, as outlined in the internal email, aim to ensure that every component of the vehicle meets sub 10-micron accuracy. This article explores the significance of Musk’s directive and its potential impact on the final production version of the Cybertruck.

The Pursuit of Perfection

Elon Musk’s demand for sub 10-micron accuracy in the Cybertruck’s design and build quality reflects his unwavering commitment to perfectionism. The email highlights the importance of dimensional precision, particularly for a vehicle like the Cybertruck, which features bright metal and straight edges. Even minor variations in panel alignment can be easily noticeable, hence the need for meticulous attention to detail.

Unprecedented Precision

To put Musk’s requirements into perspective, achieving sub 10-micron accuracy is several times smaller than the width of a human hair. It surpasses the thickness of a sheet of copy paper, which typically measures around 70 microns. Such precision is unparalleled in the automotive industry and demonstrates Tesla’s commitment to pushing boundaries and setting new standards.

Reasons for the Strict Standards

While the internal memo does not provide a specific date, it is likely that Musk’s directive was issued during the earlier stages of Cybertruck development. By emphasizing the need for sub 10-micron accuracy, Musk aimed to ensure that the design and production processes align with his vision for the vehicle. The final production design has likely been completed, making it essential to maintain consistency with Musk’s initial expectations.

Implications for Production and Critics

If Tesla manages to achieve the level of precision demanded by Musk, it would significantly justify the delays in Cybertruck production. Critics, who have voiced concerns about Tesla’s ability to deliver on its promises, would have fewer grounds for complaint. The adherence to such exacting standards would demonstrate Tesla’s commitment to delivering a high-quality product that exceeds customer expectations.


Elon Musk’s insistence on sub 10-micron accuracy for the Tesla Cybertruck showcases his relentless pursuit of perfection. By setting unprecedented standards for build quality and design precision, Musk aims to ensure that every aspect of the vehicle meets his exacting requirements. While the internal memo may date back to earlier stages of development, it underscores Tesla’s commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering a superior product. As Cybertruck production draws near, the world eagerly awaits the realization of Musk’s vision for this groundbreaking electric pickup truck.

Image Credit: Cyberjustice on Cybertruckownersforum

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