Elon Musk’s Tesla FSD V12 Demo Reveals Additional Flaws

Tesla’s Full Self-Driving v12 Software Demo: A Mess or a Milestone?

Tesla's Full Self-Driving v12 Software Demo

Recently, Tesla CEO Elon Musk decided to livestream a demonstration of the company’s Full Self-Driving v12 software on Twitter, which he recently changed to just X. Back in July, Musk described the new software as “mind-blowing,” so obviously, it was going to be perfect at driving despite not using radar or lidar, and…

However, the reality of the demonstration fell short of expectations. Musk’s livestreamed demo turned out to be a chaotic and confusing event, leaving many viewers unimpressed and questioning the capabilities of Tesla’s self-driving technology.

The Promised “Mind-Blowing” Software

Elon Musk has been touting Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology for years, promising that it would revolutionize the automotive industry. The FSD v12 software was supposed to be a major leap forward, eliminating the need for human intervention while driving.

One of the most significant claims made by Musk was that the new software would not require the use of radar or lidar sensors, relying solely on cameras and machine learning algorithms. This decision was met with skepticism from experts in the field who argue that radar and lidar are crucial for ensuring the safety and accuracy of autonomous driving systems.

The Chaotic Demo

During the livestreamed demo, Musk showcased the FSD v12 software in action. However, instead of demonstrating a flawless autonomous driving experience, the event quickly turned into a series of mishaps and near-misses.

Viewers watched as the Tesla vehicle repeatedly made questionable decisions, such as stopping abruptly for no apparent reason or failing to navigate simple intersections correctly. At one point, the car even drove into the wrong lane, narrowly avoiding a collision with oncoming traffic.

These incidents raised concerns about the reliability and safety of Tesla’s self-driving technology. Critics argue that the demo showed that the software is far from being ready for widespread use and that Musk’s claims of a “mind-blowing” system were exaggerated.

The Importance of Radar and Lidar

One of the main criticisms of Tesla’s FSD v12 software is its reliance on cameras alone, without the use of radar or lidar sensors. Radar sensors use radio waves to detect objects and measure their distance, while lidar sensors use laser beams for the same purpose.

Experts argue that cameras alone are not sufficient for accurately perceiving the environment and making critical decisions while driving. Radar and lidar sensors provide additional layers of data that can enhance the accuracy and safety of autonomous driving systems.

By excluding radar and lidar from their technology stack, Tesla may be limiting the capabilities of their self-driving software. Critics argue that this decision is driven by cost-cutting measures rather than a commitment to developing the most advanced autonomous driving system.

The Future of Tesla’s Self-Driving Technology

Despite the underwhelming demo, Elon Musk remains optimistic about the future of Tesla’s self-driving technology. He believes that with further development and improvement, the FSD v12 software will eventually achieve full autonomy.

However, skeptics argue that Musk’s ambitious timeline for achieving full autonomy is unrealistic. They point out that autonomous driving is an incredibly complex problem that requires solving numerous technical and regulatory challenges.

Additionally, Tesla faces increasing competition from other automakers and tech companies in the race towards autonomous driving. Companies like Waymo and Cruise have been investing heavily in radar and lidar technology, which could give them an edge over Tesla in terms of safety and reliability.


Tesla’s Full Self-Driving v12 software demo may have been a mess, but it also serves as a reminder of the challenges involved in developing autonomous driving technology. While Elon Musk’s vision for a self-driving future is compelling, it is essential to approach these advancements with caution and prioritize safety above all else.

As Tesla continues to refine its self-driving software, it will be crucial for the company to address the concerns raised by experts and critics. Only by incorporating the necessary sensors and ensuring the highest levels of safety can Tesla truly deliver on its promise of a “mind-blowing” autonomous driving experience.

Ultimately, the success of Tesla’s self-driving technology will depend on its ability to navigate the complex road ahead, both figuratively and literally.

Read more: Elon Musk Tesla Self-Driving Demo Was a Mess

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