“Engineer Urges Cybertruck Owners to Stop Shooting and Abusing Their Trucks”

The Controversy Surrounding Elon Musk’s Cybertruck: A Closer Look

Elon Musk stirred up controversy when he first unveiled the Cybertruck in late 2019. Promoting it as tough and virtually indestructible, he even claimed it was “literally bulletproof.” However, as owners started receiving their trucks in late 2023, they put Musk’s claims to the test.

Challenges Arise for Cybertruck Owners

Once owners got their hands on the Cybertruck, they began testing its durability and capabilities. Some even went as far as shooting at the truck to see if it could withstand bullets. This led to a wave of challenges and concerns for both Tesla and the owners of the Cybertruck.

A Plea from a Cybertruck Engineer

In light of these incidents, a Cybertruck engineer has come forward, urging owners to refrain from shooting at or abusing their trucks. The engineer emphasizes the importance of using the Cybertruck responsibly and treating it with care.

Moving Forward with the Cybertruck

As the controversy surrounding the Cybertruck continues to unfold, it raises questions about the future of Tesla’s self-driving cars and the impact of Musk’s bold claims. It remains to be seen how Tesla will address these challenges and ensure the safety and satisfaction of Cybertruck owners.

For more on this ongoing story, visit the link here.

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