Essential Items for Driving

What Your Car EDC Says About You: A Guide to Understanding Personal Preparedness

As humans, we all have different priorities and concerns. Some of us prioritize safety and preparedness, while others may focus on convenience or aesthetics. One way to gain insight into a person’s priorities is by examining what they carry in their car every day, also known as their Everyday Carry (EDC). In this article, we will explore what your car EDC says about you and how it can help you better understand your own personal preparedness.

The Basics of Car EDC

Before we dive into the deeper meanings behind car EDC, let’s first define what it is. Car EDC refers to the items that you carry with you in your car on a daily basis. This can include anything from a spare tire and jumper cables to snacks and entertainment for long drives.

Some people may have a more extensive car EDC, including items like a first aid kit, emergency blankets, and even a portable stove. Others may have a more minimalistic approach, only carrying the essentials like a phone charger and a water bottle.

Regardless of the specific items included in your car EDC, it can provide valuable insight into your priorities and level of preparedness.

The Lawful Good: Preparedness and Safety

If you’re someone who always has emergency flashers and a well-stocked tool kit in your car, you may fall under the Lawful Good alignment. This means that you prioritize safety and preparedness above all else.

Your car EDC likely includes items like a first aid kit, jumper cables, a spare tire, and a flashlight. You may also have emergency blankets, water bottles, and non-perishable snacks on hand in case of an unexpected breakdown or emergency.

The Chaotic Good: Convenience and Comfort

On the other hand, if your car EDC includes items like a phone charger, snacks, and entertainment for long drives, you may fall under the Chaotic Good alignment. This means that you prioritize convenience and comfort above all else.

Your car EDC likely includes items like a phone charger, snacks, and entertainment for long drives. You may also have a comfortable pillow or blanket in your car for impromptu naps or long road trips.

The Lawful Neutral: Practicality and Functionality

If your car EDC includes items like a GPS device, a tire pressure gauge, and a multi-tool, you may fall under the Lawful Neutral alignment. This means that you prioritize practicality and functionality above all else.

Your car EDC likely includes items that serve a specific purpose, such as a GPS device for navigation or a tire pressure gauge to ensure optimal performance. You may also have a multi-tool on hand for quick fixes or repairs.

The Chaotic Neutral: Unpredictability and Adaptability

If your car EDC includes items like a portable stove, a hammock, and a frisbee, you may fall under the Chaotic Neutral alignment. This means that you prioritize unpredictability and adaptability above all else.

Your car EDC likely includes items that allow you to be spontaneous and adaptable, such as a portable stove for impromptu picnics or a hammock for relaxing in nature. You may also have a frisbee or other outdoor games on hand for unexpected adventures.

The Lawful Evil: Security and Protection

If your car EDC includes items like pepper spray, a self-defense tool, and a lock-picking kit, you may fall under the Lawful Evil alignment. This means that you prioritize security and protection above all else.

Your car EDC likely includes items that help you feel safe and secure, such as pepper spray or a self-defense tool. You may also have a lock-picking kit on hand in case of an emergency.

The Chaotic Evil: Rebellion and Nonconformity

If your car EDC includes items like a bumper sticker with a controversial message or a loud sound system, you may fall under the Chaotic Evil alignment. This means that you prioritize rebellion and nonconformity above all else.

Your car EDC likely includes items that allow you to express your individuality and stand out from the crowd, such as a bumper sticker with a controversial message or a loud sound system.


In conclusion, what you carry in your car every day can say a lot about you as a person. Your car EDC can provide valuable insight into your priorities and level of preparedness, as well as where you fall on the Dungeons & Dragons alignment.

Whether you prioritize safety and preparedness or convenience and comfort, it’s important to have a car EDC that reflects your personal values and needs. By understanding what your car EDC says about you, you can better prepare for unexpected situations and ensure that you have the tools and resources you need to stay safe and comfortable on the road.

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