EV Owners in Debt: $10,000 Over Car Value | Giga Gears

The Growing Financial Burden of Car Loans for EV Owners


Car ownership is a significant responsibility, especially when it comes to managing car loans. Recent data from the US reveals that many consumers, particularly those who have financed electric vehicles (EVs), are facing financial challenges.

Upside-Down Loans on the Rise

An analysis by Edmunds shows that a record number of consumers, 23.9%, who financed a new vehicle and traded in their old one were upside down on their car loan. This means they owed more on the loan than the car’s value, with rates hitting their highest levels since Q1 2021.

EV Owners Hit Hard

For those who purchased EVs, the situation is even more dire. The average amount owed on upside-down loans reached a record high of $6,255 in Q2 2024, a significant increase from previous years. Owners of new EVs faced an average negative equity of $10,326 per trade-in, highlighting the impact of fast-changing EV technology and volatile market prices.

Factors Contributing to Negative Equity

One contributing factor to the negative equity situation is the rapid depreciation of EVs. Emerging technologies and constant improvements in the industry lead to significant value erosion in used EVs. Additionally, incentives on new EVs further depress the value of used models, exacerbating the problem.

Edmunds’ Insights

According to Jessica Caldwell, head of insights at Edmunds, the market correction and normalization of trade-in values are exposing consumers to falling underwater on their car loans. EV owners are particularly affected by accelerated depreciation due to evolving technology and market dynamics.

Negative Equity Data Overview

Year Share of New Vehicles Purchased with a Trade-in Share of Trade-ins with Negative Equity Average Amount of Negative Equity Average Trade-in Age (Years)
Q2 2019 44.6% 34.6% -$5,317 3.8
Source: Edmunds



The financial burden of car loans, especially for EV owners, is a growing concern. With negative equity on the rise and rapid depreciation of EVs, consumers need to carefully consider their financing options and be aware of the potential risks associated with owning an electric vehicle.

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