EVs Stranded in Chicago’s Longest Cold Snap | Giga Gears

Chicago’s Longest Cold Snap Takes a Toll on EV Drivers

Chicago, a major city known for its brutal winters, is currently experiencing one of the harshest cold snaps in recent memory. This extreme weather is posing additional challenges for electric vehicle (EV) drivers. Cold temperatures have a negative impact on EV battery capacity, causing them to lose some of their charge.

The Impact of Extreme Cold on EVs

Electric vehicles rely on lithium-ion batteries, which are sensitive to temperature changes. In freezing temperatures, the chemical reactions within the battery slow down, reducing its overall capacity. This means that EVs can travel shorter distances on a single charge during cold weather.

Chicago’s current cold snap has made it even more difficult for EV drivers to find available public charging stations. With the increased demand for charging, many stations are already occupied, leaving EV drivers stranded and unable to charge their vehicles.

Tips for EV Drivers in Cold Weather

While extreme cold weather can be challenging for EV drivers, there are steps they can take to mitigate the impact:

1. Precondition Your Vehicle

Before heading out in the cold, use your EV’s pre-conditioning feature to warm up the battery and cabin. This will help maintain battery performance and improve range.

2. Plan Your Route

When driving in cold weather, plan your route to include charging stations along the way. This will ensure that you have access to a charging point if needed.

3. Keep Your EV Plugged In

If possible, keep your EV plugged in when not in use. This will help maintain the battery’s charge and prevent it from losing capacity due to cold temperatures.

4. Use Regenerative Braking

Take advantage of regenerative braking, which converts the kinetic energy produced during braking into electrical energy to recharge the battery. This can help extend your EV’s range in cold weather.


Chicago’s current cold snap is posing challenges for EV drivers, with reduced battery capacity and limited access to charging stations. By following these tips and taking precautions, EV drivers can navigate through the cold weather and ensure their vehicles remain operational.

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