“F1 Faces Andretti Cadillac Anti-Trust Probe by Feds | Giga Gears”

Michael Andretti’s Attempt to Join Formula 1 Grid Sparks DOJ Investigation

Michael Andretti’s recent attempt to join the Formula 1 grid has caught the attention of the Department of Justice (DOJ). The American firm Liberty Media, which owns Formula 1 Group, denied Andretti Global’s entry to F1 earlier this year. This denial has now prompted an investigation by the DOJ.

Andretti Global’s Application Denied

After a thorough six-month review of Andretti Global’s application, which included a commitment from the team, Formula 1 Group denied their entry into the prestigious racing series. This decision has raised concerns and led to the initiation of an anti-trust investigation by the DOJ.

Liberty Media’s Ownership of Formula 1 Group

Liberty Media, an American company, acquired Formula 1 Group for $301 million seven years ago. Since then, they have been responsible for overseeing the operations and decisions related to the Formula 1 racing series. Their denial of Andretti Global’s application has now brought their actions under scrutiny.

DOJ Investigation into Anti-Trust Violations

The DOJ has launched an investigation into Liberty Media and Formula 1 Group to determine if their denial of Andretti Global’s entry into the Formula 1 grid violates any anti-trust laws. This investigation aims to ensure fair competition and prevent any monopolistic practices within the racing industry.

To stay updated on the latest developments regarding this investigation, please click here.

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