Ferrari Explores EV Battery Technology, But Won’t Produce Its Own

The Future of Ferrari: Embracing Electric Vehicles


Ferrari, the iconic Italian luxury car manufacturer, is gearing up for a major shift in its product lineup. With the automotive industry moving towards electrification, Ferrari has announced plans to introduce its first all-electric vehicle by late 2025. This marks a significant milestone for the brand known for its high-performance gasoline-powered sports cars.

Key Points

  • Ferrari’s first electric vehicle set to launch in late 2025.
  • Goal to have 60% of sales from electrified models by 2026.
  • Focus on battery cell expertise without manufacturing them in-house.

Electric Vehicle Strategy

Ferrari aims to enhance its knowledge of battery cells by collaborating with external partners and research institutions. The company has no plans to produce batteries internally but will rely on suppliers for the cells needed in its electric vehicles. This strategic approach allows Ferrari to focus on its core competencies while leveraging external expertise in battery technology.

Future Outlook

As Ferrari prepares to launch its first electric vehicle, the company is optimistic about the future of electrified vehicles. With a target of 60% of sales coming from electrified models by 2026 and potentially 80% by 2030, Ferrari is positioning itself for a sustainable and environmentally conscious future.


With the automotive industry rapidly evolving towards electrification, Ferrari’s foray into electric vehicles signifies a new chapter in the brand’s storied history. By embracing electric mobility while maintaining its commitment to performance and luxury, Ferrari is poised to lead the charge towards a greener future in the world of high-end sports cars.

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