Ferrari SF90 Flips Over in Australia | Giga Gears

The Ferrari SF90 Crash in Perth: A Close Call


Modern supercars are a marvel of engineering, pushing the limits of speed and performance. However, even the most advanced vehicles are not immune to accidents, as demonstrated by a recent incident involving a Ferrari SF90 in Perth.

The Crash

  • A Ferrari SF90 crashed in Perth, flipping upside down after colliding with a tree.
  • The Italian supercar suffered significant damage in the accident.
  • Fortunately, both occupants escaped with minor injuries.

Details of the Incident

The crash occurred in the Perth suburb of Carlisle on July 6. The yellow Ferrari SF90 ended up with its roof on the road and its tires pointing skyward. While the vehicle sustained severe damage, it appears that the damage was concentrated on one side.

Aftermath and Charges

According to reports, the driver was traveling northbound before leaving the roadway and hitting a tree, causing the car to flip over. The driver is now facing a careless driving charge. The Ferrari SF90, valued at over half a million dollars, is known for its high performance and luxury features.

Personal Account

One of the occupants, Farlin Modideen, shared a post on LinkedIn about the accident, expressing gratitude for escaping serious harm. Details about the cause of the crash and involvement of other motorists remain unclear.


While the Ferrari SF90 crash in Perth serves as a reminder of the risks associated with high-performance vehicles, it also highlights the importance of safety features and emergency response. The incident underscores the need for responsible driving and caution on the road.

Image Credit: Nexivr on Reddit

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