“First Aston Martin Sought | Giga Gears”

The Search for Aston Martin’s First Car

The Search for Aston Martin’s First Car

Aston Martin's First Car


Aston Martin is a renowned automotive brand worldwide, but the fate of their first car, built in 1914, remains a mystery. The Aston Martin Heritage Trust has launched a search for this historic vehicle, which has been missing since it was sold in 1924 for £50.

The Coal Scuttle

The car, nicknamed the “Coal Scuttle,” was created by a team of engineers led by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford. While it was registered as an Aston Martin in 1915, it was more of a prototype. The car underwent constant development throughout the early 1920s and participated in various races and trials.

The Challenge of Identification

Identifying the Coal Scuttle can be challenging as it lacked badging, and its appearance changed over the years. Photos show that the car had different types of front fenders, lamps, and horns. However, Aston Martin historian Steve Waddingham is confident that the car can still be identified despite these changes.

The Mystery Continues

In 1924, Aston Martin sold the car for £50, a significant amount at the time. The Trust believes it is unlikely that the car was scrapped and speculates that it may still exist, possibly with a new body. Even if the car was dismantled, there is a possibility that some parts of it have survived.


The search for Aston Martin’s first car is an exciting endeavor for the Aston Martin Heritage Trust. Finding this missing piece of automotive history would be a remarkable achievement, shedding light on the early days of one of the world’s most iconic car manufacturers.

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