Florida Man Arrested for Torching Ex’s Jaguar | Giga Gears

The Miami-Dade Police Department Arrests Florida Man for Setting Ex-Girlfriend’s Jaguar on Fire

The Miami-Dade Police Department has arrested Melvin Alain Cintron, a 37-year-old Hollywood, Florida man, for intentionally setting a car on fire last April, Local 10 News reports. The car in question, a Jaguar XE, reportedly belonged to his now ex-girlfriend. Oh, also, the ex-girlfriend is apparently his cousin. So…

Arrest Made in Car Arson Case

In a recent development, the Miami-Dade Police Department has made an arrest in a car arson case that occurred last April. Melvin Alain Cintron, a 37-year-old man from Hollywood, Florida, has been taken into custody for intentionally setting fire to a Jaguar XE that belonged to his ex-girlfriend, who is also his cousin.

The incident came to light when the ex-girlfriend reported the car fire to the police. Authorities launched an investigation into the matter and were able to gather enough evidence to link Cintron to the crime. Following their findings, the Miami-Dade Police Department arrested Cintron on charges of arson.

A Shocking Twist in the Case

While car arson cases are not uncommon, what makes this particular incident even more shocking is the relationship between the suspect and the victim. According to reports, Cintron’s ex-girlfriend is also his cousin. This revelation adds another layer of complexity to an already perplexing case.

The motive behind the arson is still unclear, and authorities are working to determine the exact circumstances that led to this act of vandalism. The investigation is ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge as the case progresses.

Consequences of Arson

Arson is a serious crime that can have severe consequences. In Florida, intentionally setting fire to someone else’s property is considered arson and is classified as a felony offense. If convicted, Cintron could face significant penalties, including imprisonment and hefty fines.

Arson not only poses a threat to the safety of individuals but also causes significant financial loss. Insurance companies often have to bear the burden of compensating the victims for their damaged property. In this case, the Jaguar XE, a luxury vehicle, was destroyed, resulting in a substantial financial loss for the owner.

Importance of Reporting Arson Cases

The arrest of Melvin Alain Cintron serves as a reminder of the importance of reporting suspicious activities and crimes to the authorities. Prompt reporting allows law enforcement agencies to take swift action and investigate incidents thoroughly.

In cases of arson, early intervention can help prevent further damage and ensure the safety of individuals in the vicinity. It is crucial for community members to be vigilant and report any signs of arson or other criminal activities to the police.


The arrest of Melvin Alain Cintron for intentionally setting fire to his ex-girlfriend’s Jaguar XE highlights the serious nature of arson crimes. The shocking twist in this case, with the victim also being the suspect’s cousin, adds another layer of complexity to the investigation.

Arson is a felony offense in Florida, carrying severe penalties for those convicted. The Miami-Dade Police Department’s swift action in apprehending Cintron demonstrates their commitment to ensuring public safety and holding individuals accountable for their actions.

As the investigation continues, it is essential for community members to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. By working together, we can help prevent and solve crimes, making our communities safer for everyone.


Local 10 News


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