Florida Man’s Video Incriminates Him for Pointing Gun at Woman in Driveway

Florida Man Arrested for Pointing Gun at Woman’s Head in Driveway Dispute

Terry Vetsch, a 60-year-old man from Palm Coast, Florida, was arrested for pointing a gun at a woman’s head after she entered his driveway. The incident occurred on a Saturday afternoon when Vetsch noticed someone turning around in his driveway via his security camera system. Believing it to be a neighbor with whom he had previous arguments, Vetsch approached the vehicle. Despite the fact that the car had already left his property, he walked up to it and slapped the back window. He then yelled at the driver to keep their vehicle off of his property. A woman, who was the driver’s friend, walked toward Vetsch arguing with him about his behavior.

Vetsch’s Aggressive Behavior

Despite the woman’s attempts to reason with him, Vetsch pulled out a Taurus 9mm handgun, pulled back the hammer, and pointed it at her head. It was Vetsch himself who admitted to police that he had pointed the gun at the woman’s head. In fact, it was his own video evidence that police reviewed in the moments that led to his arrest. Police confirmed that in a statement on Facebook saying “With Vetsch’s permission, Deputy Munoz reviewed the surveillance video of the incident. It showed the victim following Vetsch toward his property while arguing, but they had not trespassed when Vetsch pointed the gun at their head.”

Vetsch’s Arrest and Charges

Vetsch was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. He is currently out of jail on a bond of $50,000 but must submit all of his firearms and ammunition to police within 24 hours. Vetsch’s behavior was not only aggressive but also illegal. It is important to remember that gun ownership comes with great responsibility and should not be used to intimidate or threaten others.


The incident involving Terry Vetsch is a reminder that gun ownership comes with great responsibility. It is important to use firearms safely and legally. Vetsch’s aggressive behavior was not only illegal but also put the lives of others in danger. It is important to remember that disputes can be resolved without resorting to violence. If you or someone you know is struggling with anger or aggression, seek help from a mental health professional.

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