Ford Dealers Can Now Sell EVs Without Spending Millions | Giga Gears

Ford’s Electric Vehicle Strategy Hits Roadblocks

Ford’s ambitious plans for electric vehicles have hit some bumps in the road. The company recently announced that it is reevaluating its multi-billion dollar investment in EVs due to slowing sales. Additionally, Ford has scaled back its European EV plans in response to market conditions.

Financial Struggles with EV Sales

In a surprising revelation, Ford disclosed that it is losing over six figures on each EV sold. This financial setback has forced the automaker to reconsider its approach to electric vehicles.

A New Approach for Ford Dealers

Despite these challenges, Ford is not giving up on its EV ambitions. The company recently announced a new strategy that will allow dealers to sell EVs without having to make significant investments. This move aims to make it easier for customers to access Ford’s electric vehicles.

Overall, Ford’s journey into the world of electric vehicles has been a rocky one. However, the company remains committed to innovation and finding new ways to drive the future of transportation.

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